Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Floral Shorts and Oxford Shoes

Pentru acea zi am planuit o minunata zi cu prietenul meu. Am fost la Starbucks sa bem o Mocha Cookie Crumble, apoi am fost la Muzeul nou construit Grigore Antipa de Istorie a Naturii. Muzeul a evoluat si au mai adaugat mai multe informatii si o noua sectie despre dinozauri pe care ii iubesc. Dupa vizitarea muzeului am fost la cafeneaua muzeului si am baut un Mojito foarte bun iar prietenul meu a mancat o salata de ton delicioasa. Iar ca sa fie un sfarsit de zi minunat am luat un tur cu autobuzele decapotabile al Bucurestiului.
A fost o zi foarte frumoasa pe care nu o voi uita. <3 Te iubesc

For that day i've planned a wonderful day spendt with my babe. We were at Starbucks to drink my fav drink : Mocha Cookie Crumble, and afterwards we visited the Museum Grigore Antipa of History of Nature. The museum has changed and it also has a new section about dinosaurs, wich I love. After our visit  we were at the museums Cafe. I drinked a very good Mojito and my boyfriend ate a delocoius Tuna-Fish Salad. And in order to be a perfect day we went with the double-deck buses and took a city tour.
It was a very nice day, wich I never gonna forget. <3 I love you babe.

I was wearing : Floral Shorts : Stradivarius
                       White Shirt : H&M
                       Oxford Shoes : New Look
                       Sunglasses : Ray Ban Clubmaster

xoxo, Ing