Thursday, 30 August 2012

Love demin vest.

Pur si simplu ador blugul. Se potriveste la orice. Am fost foarte fericita cand am gasit aceasta vesta de blugi din H&M din Nuernberg, Germania. Iar la aceasta vesta se potriveste o pereche de skinny-jeans cu o pereche de ghetute-country-style tot cumparate din H&M Nuernberg.
Acest stil vestimentar nu am avut curajul sa il adopt pentru o vreme pentru ca nu eram sigura cum mi s-ar potrivi dar sunt foarte incantata de rezultat. Sper sa va placa si voua, lasa-ti un comment ca sa stiu si pararea voastra.Este foarte important pentru mine sa stiu cu adevarat ce parere aveti Pupici

I simply adore denim. It fits to everything. I was very happy to find this denim vest from H&M at Nuernberg, Germany. And with this vest fits perfectly a pair of skinny jeans with a pair o country style booties also bought from H&M Nuernberg.
I didn't dare to wear this kind of style for a long time because I wasn't sure how it will suit me, but I am really pleased about the final result. I hope you guys will like it too, so leave a comment so that I know your opinion. It's very important to me to know what you really think. Kisses

 I was wearing: Jeans: Stradivarius

                        Bag: Tommy Hilfiger
                        Boots, Necklace, Denim Vest,Bracelets,Rings: H&M
                        Watch: Tissot


  1. esti superba. ghetutele country se potrivesc perfect <3<3

  2. Multumesc, cat am visat eu dupa o pereche de ghetute ca alea <3
