Monday, 27 August 2012

Trip to Nurnberg, (Germany)

Vizita mea la Nurnberg a fost una foarte obositoare deaorece am avut de rezolvat mai multe probleme pentru inscrierea la facultatea FAU. Cu toate ca am fost epuizata in fiecare zi din aceasta excursie, am putut sa savurez ceea ce acest oras are de oferit. Aceasta excursie m-a ajutat foarte mult cu orientarea si mi-am facut o impresie foarte buna despre acest oras. Din toata germania, acest oras are cea mai mica rata a criminalitatii. Nurnberg este deasemenea si orasul natal al designerului de bijuterii si ceasuri Thomas Sabo.Din pacate nu am apucat sa vizitez. Eu, sora mea si mama mai mult am fugit din loc in loc pentru a rezolva niste documente pentru inscriere, dar cu toate acestea am avut si timp de shopping. Pentru a ma inscrie la facultate a trebuit sa merg in Erlangen, un oras la fel de interesant de langa Nurnberg, asa ca am apucat sa vizitez si acel oras minunat.

My trip to Nurnberg was a very exhausting one because of the problems we had during the registration for the FAU University. Although I was exhausted every dayof this trip, I could enjoy the things that this town offers. This trip had helped me a lot with the orientation and had created me a very good impresion about this town. Out of all Germany this town has the lowest rate on criminality. Nurnberg is also the hometown of the great jewelry and watches Thomas Sabo. Unfortunately I didn't got the chance to visit the town. My sister, my mom and me ran through the town to solve some documments for the registration, but despite all of this I had time to shop. So that I could register at the University I had to go  tho Erlangen, a town just like interesting like Nurnberg, and so I also got to see this neighbor-town.

 In love with Vespa.

 In this look : Converse shoes
                    Pull&Bear Shirt
                    H&M necklace
                    Ray Ban Sunglasses
                    Marc Picard Bag

Frozen Youghourt
 Vintage cars on the street -->

The University

  A lot of Chuck : Leave your old pair of Chucks and get 50% of for a new pair.

 H&M <3

Cezar Wrap <3

xoxo, Ing

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